December 21

Sir Ian the Brave, ready for the end of the world DPP pics from past years: 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 (at first glance, I thought this was Clara), 2011

These Days: Snow Day

I wanted the boys to be able to play outside in the snow, but I didn’t want to have to bundle Clara. We found a workable solution: the boys played on the balcony, and Clara stayed snug in her crib. It took twice as much time to suit up and unbundle as it did for […]

Story Problems

Today we visited our friends in Plattsmouth, about an hour away from Lincoln. The boys wanted to know how long it would take to get there, and we answered using the standard unit of measurement when explaining time to preschoolers: two Dinosaur Trains (actually, closer to three, since we watch without commercials). This answer satisfied them […]

December 18

He thought it necessary get out of bed (again) to tell us that D.W. (a character from the audio book that plays on repeat every night in the boys’ room) said “stupid.” This is a well-known fact in our house; Ian tells us every third day or so. Also, “You shouldn’t say ‘stupid.’” Right, kiddo. […]

December 16

It’s been fun each day as I post the new photo to look back through my DPP photos from past years. It’s so interesting to me to see what has changed and what really hasn’t. We do a lot of the same things from year to year — make cookies, play in the park on unseasonably […]

These Days: Kitchen Helpers

This morning we made granola for Simon’s teachers. The kids like to help. I like peace. We had to do a little negotiating to make both of those things happen today.

December 12

Simon went downstairs to get the remote that doesn’t work so that he and Ian could pretend to watch TV from their submarine beds. Sigh. DPP pics from past years: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 (one of my favorite pics of all time)

December 11

Decorating a gingerbread house (or train) has become a yearly tradition with Grandma Morehead. If the boys had had their druthers, they would have eaten as much candy as they put on the house. In other news, today was also a sick day for Jason, who has a nasty cold. And we had a most […]

December 10

The boys love to watch Daddy play some sort of game on his phone. I don’t really know how it goes — something about running. I’m not sure he’s too good at it. Most often I hear Simon say, “Whelp, you’re not going to win this one, I guess,” and Ian saying, “Awwwww” or “Oh […]

December 9

Lunch with Daddy is the best. DPP pics from past years: 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011