The boys will be making their film debut as part of Redeemer’s Christmas program this year. I can tell just from the bit that I saw that the production value will be high and the cute factor will be heart-melting, knee-buckling, and definitely shard-producing. I so love being part of a community that values creativity, […]
This Baby Betty Bright-eyed, fuzzy-haired, sunlit Still fresh to the world. DPP pics from past years: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
“This is how I do it?” It’s seems like a simple enough question most of the time. Except when it isn’t. I’ve given some thought lately to the ways this question — Am I doing this right? — often expresses deeper doubts and concerns. I see in some (my oldest child for one) an almost […]
Every year I get a little nervous on December 1. It’s because the beginning of the December Photo Project feels much the same to me as having a brand new blank journal. So exciting, so many possibilities. So probable that as soon as I fill up the first page (or the first three) I’m going […]
My dear friend Joie is spending the summer as an intern at Prairie Whole Farm in Ida Grove, Iowa. The kids and I visited yesterday, and I don’t have words to describe what a terrific day we had. We came home dirty (so dirty) and exhausted (in the best way), our heads and hearts full […]
Today, I happened across a new-to-me blog, Sometimes Sweet, and was inspired by this series, a writing prompt each week. I tend to get all gung ho at the beginning of a project, and then, well … we’ll see how this goes. Looking back in the archives, a couple of the prompts made me catch […]
I got a text this evening from a friend saying, “This morning was so good. It blessed my tender, tears-at-the-ready soul.” She was referring to Champagne Breakfast, and though the words are hers, I am shamelessly stealing them because they speak my heart as well. Brunch on New Year’s Day with a handful of friends […]
Today we had a little birthday party to celebrate Ian, who will turn four next week. I love my quirky little guy who loves camels of all things, and I love all these little buddies who made him feel really special today. DPP pics from past years: 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
A group of lovely ladies came over tonight to make some freezer meals for a friend. We had a great time, but as you can see, that probably goes without saying. And also, nobody builds a tower of dishes like my friend Jen. DPP pics from past years: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012