Today we visited our friends in Plattsmouth, about an hour away from Lincoln. The boys wanted to know how long it would take to get there, and we answered using the standard unit of measurement when explaining time to preschoolers: two Dinosaur Trains (actually, closer to three, since we watch without commercials). This answer satisfied them […]
He thought it necessary get out of bed (again) to tell us that D.W. (a character from the audio book that plays on repeat every night in the boys’ room) said “stupid.” This is a well-known fact in our house; Ian tells us every third day or so. Also, “You shouldn’t say ‘stupid.’” Right, kiddo. […]
Me: Hey, whatcha doin’, buddy? Simon: Feeding my T-Rex. Me: I thought T-Rexes were carnivores. Simon: Yeah, but sometimes he likes to eat plants. Me: Why’s that? Simon: He thinks plants are tasty. And it helps his breath. Me: What’s with the straw? Simon: I’m pretending it’s my beak. —– DPP pics from past years: 2006, […]
When Jason was working on the coding so I could have a gallery in this post, he needed some text and typed “I had a wonderful time taking photographs of the Steiner family” five times in a row (or maybe he cut and paste; I don’t know). I was tempted to leave it at that. I […]
It’s been fun each day as I post the new photo to look back through my DPP photos from past years. It’s so interesting to me to see what has changed and what really hasn’t. We do a lot of the same things from year to year — make cookies, play in the park on unseasonably […]
I’m a day late in posting this one. That’s because Jason and I were out (not just awake, but out) until after 1 am. Believe it. We had one of the most delightful days in recent memory, spent largely with two friends from Japan, Yui and Yuri. Our kids were absolutely enamored with these girls, […]
The last stretch before she starts her day. This one is delightful from the moment she wakes up. DPP pics from past years: 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
It was another pretty nice December day in Lincoln, so my mom and I loaded up the kids and spent the last hour of daylight at the Blue Park (Stransky, for you locals). It occurs to me today that photography is so much about light and that it’s an interesting twist and added challenge for […]
This morning we made granola for Simon’s teachers. The kids like to help. I like peace. We had to do a little negotiating to make both of those things happen today.
Simon went downstairs to get the remote that doesn’t work so that he and Ian could pretend to watch TV from their submarine beds. Sigh. DPP pics from past years: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 (one of my favorite pics of all time)