December 25

The other night at our life group dinner, we were swapping stories of church Christmas programs past. Every year we hope that there are at least a couple of nose pickers, wavers, belly-showers, and neighbor-pokers, even if they are our own. Beyond the sheer cuteness, though, it always is something special to hear the stories of our faith told by the kids we love.
This year, after years of stage fright and/or voluntary non-participation, Ian actually volunteered for a speaking part. He did amazing, and I may have cried a little bit (or a lot).
DPP pics from past years (2006-11 lost to the ether), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
It’s hard to believe we are already three months out from my mom’s pacemaker surgery. Dr. Anderson is our favorite cardiac electrophysiologist in the world. We are immeasurably grateful for him and all the good care she received at UNMC.
DPP pics from past years (2006-11 lost to the ether), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Simon had his first chorus concert tonight. Along with more than a hundred other fourth and fifth graders, he’s been practicing once a week before school. The concert was really well done, and I enjoyed it immensely. I also had an unexpected bit of nostalgia as I realized that one of my elementary school Christmas concerts is a surprisingly clear memory: we sang “All I Want for Christmas” and “Up on the Housetop” for sure (and possibly some others). I can narrow it down to first or second grade because I remember that I had lost some teeth and that I was disappointed that they had already started to grow back in, making the line about “my two front teeth” not quite as poignant for me as I wished it had been.
DPP pics from past years (2006-11 lost to the ether), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Kids fascinate me. No matter where we go, they either find friends or make new ones fast, but rarely are they content to play alone when there is anyone about their age around. This morning at Simon’s last indoor soccer game, Ian found a buddy from his class (and his soccer team) and they included in their game a new friend they just met too. I don’t understand it, but I do envy it a little.
DPP pics from past years (2006-11 lost to the ether), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016