December 1

December is a ninja–sneaky, sneaky last month of the year snuck right up on me. And December means it’s time for the December Photo Project, one photo a day for the first twenty-five days of the month.

One of the traditions we started a couple of years ago is wrapping twenty-five winter or Christmas books and opening one each day of December until Christmas. Our success is, as you might imagine, mixed. Inevitably there are fights about whose turn it is to open a book. We often only go five or six days before one (or all) of the kids gets antsy and/or full-on tantrumy and we find ourselves opening two or three books a day (just not a battle I’m ever going to pick). But each year we start with the hope that this will be a tradition that is as sweet as it sounds. So far so good as we opened our first book this morning. And I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes with two (more) readers in the household–I am ever amazed at what the kids can do, and I have to say that the fact the boys can really and truly read is one of my favorite things ever. And when they read to each other or to Clara? I just can’t even.