December 14

This is gonna be epic!

December 13

I am all kinds of behind the ball this year. We’re just rolling with it. I didn’t get the saffron buns made in time for a morning celebration of St. Lucia’s Day, so Clara helped me make them after school.

December 12

So, yeah, it didn’t stay this quiet. At all. 😝 (I’m fine with that.)

December 11

A couple of years ago Ian made a list of all the things he wants to be for Halloween for the next fifteen years (he hasn’t stuck to the schedule, but he does revise it every year to plan several years out). I feel like I should do the same for themes for my DPP […]

December 10

An epic pre-dinner battle.

December 9

A few years ago when Clara was four years old, I had a friend over for coffee one afternoon. I gave Clara some sidewalk chalk to keep her busy while I chatted with my friend. Clara asked what she should draw. I asked her to draw a picture of the capitol (she did), then Daddy’s […]

December 8

Book club mornings are some of my favorite mornings–because books, but even more so because book club friends are some of my favorite people.

December 7

It’s Friday, and it’s been a rather long week. We all needed a little fresh air after school, so we headed out to Holmes Lake to throw some ice on the ice.

December 6

You know that really good advice to clean up your space before you start baking? Yeah, I didn’t do that at all today. In fact, I baked on top of a mess and then cooked two meals (one for us and one for a friend) over the top of that mess. When the kids got […]

December 5

If I were to make a Venn diagram of my kids and the choices they made without asking me this morning, the circles would overlap for Ian and Clara reading books and for Clara and Simon eating cookies for breakfast. And I think all of that is nothing but winning: Ian, Clara, Simon? Win! Win! […]