Birds on a Wire

We ran across this guy when we were out gathering treasures for our Nature Pal Exchange.
I honestly don’t know what I love more: Project Help or Project Help brunch. I do know any Saturday that begins with coffee, a beautiful table, a delicious brunch, and, most important, dear friends is a true gift.
Last night we went to the UNL marching band’s band camp exhibition. Ian and I were looking through photos this morning, and when we came to this one he asked, “Why does the whole marching band look blurry? They didn’t look blurry to me when we were there.”
Tonight we had a lot of preparation relative to our short family bike ride. Next time we will remember to pump up the tires on the bike trailer. I know I’m out of shape, but literally dragging a thirty-plus-pound preschooler in around the neighborhood was more of a workout than I was prepared for. Thankfully, we figured out the problem, and Jason rode back home to fetch the pump. The ride home was considerably more pleasant.
Each time I go to the Joslyn, I am delighted by and fascinated with the Chihuly–a floor-to-ceiling (or ceiling-to-floor?) sculpture of blown glass.