
So this was fun. A few weeks ago, I met Maddie and her mom, my friend Indra, at Holmes Lake at 6:30 am. It was a gorgeous morning, if a little chilly at first. Maddie is a gem, I’ve always thought so. I love her playfulness, and I just couldn’t get enough of her smile. […]

Kindergarten, First Day

Up before his alarmĀ  — and before anyone else in the house — he puts on the clothes he so carefully chose and laid out last night. How did he get so big? I wonder. (Lots of birthdays, he would answer. When he says this, I do not know if he is making a joke […]


So being officially caught up on my 365 posts makes me realize how far behind I am on other posts. Though the moment(s) has surely passed, I’d still like to write about our second camping trip, turning forty, Simon starting kindergarten (spoiler: he loves it!), another Mornin’, Holmes post, a photoshoot, what I’ve been reading, […]



As of tomorrow, I would be a month behind on posting my daily pictures. That is so close to being hopelessly behind, but not quite hopeless, I hope. Just three posts of ten pictures each, and I’ll be caught up. Easy peasy. Here’s the first batch.