December 15

I’m a day late in posting this one. That’s because Jason and I were out (not just awake, but out) until after 1 am. Believe it. We had one of the most delightful days in recent memory, spent largely with two friends from Japan, Yui and Yuri. Our kids were absolutely enamored with these girls, as were we. We went to the capitol, made cookies, watched a documentary about submarines (Simon’s pick), and rounded out the day with the Redeemer Christmas party and a late showing of The Hobbit.
DPP pics from past years: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
charity · December 16, 2012, 2:48pm
Thought of you last night when we watched Juri Dreams of Sushi. Must-see documentary for you two (if you haven’t already seen it!).