A Very Avatar Halloween

We have been planning our family Halloween costumes for a long time, and when it all came together, it was more fun than I had even imagined. We are all big fans of the animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender, and we thought that without a shaved head Simon looks pretty Aang-like; with a shaved head, though, he’s a dead ringer. We also suspected that Clara would make the cutest little Appa ever, and in fact she did. (My favorite was when people would ask Clara what she was planning to be for Halloween. She would say, “a fwying buffalo!” Without fail, they looked at me puzzled, and I confirmed, “Yes, she is going to be a flying buffalo.”) An earth bender was an obvious choice for Ian, as his favorite color is brown (and his best buddy’s favorite color is green). Jason chose Fire Nation because, well, it would look cool. And that left me with becoming a water bender to round out the team.
I’m not going to lie: it was a lot of work (I made something like 80 percent of all the costumes by hand), but I would also say it was completely worth it. It was kind of magical to be transformed for a day.