Mornin’, Holmes

This series started out rather by accident, or at least it started out not at all as a “project.” I have really been enjoying myself, though. The key for me has been the marrying of something I don’t naturally love (daily exercise) with something that I do (photography), and these days, I am actually enjoying these two in almost equal parts.
A friend asked me if I found it difficult to come up with something fresh each day. It is, and it isn’t. Some days a shot is obvious, and some days it takes a lot of creative thinking to come up with anything usable at all. More than anything, I’ve noticed that it’s important to take a shot when I see it, not necessarily “save” it for another day. I have a couple ideas that I have been putting off for a day when “light doesn’t matter.” But it occurs to me that, really, photography is all about light. Light always matters. Also, not falling into the lake matters.
RT · July 1, 2013, 8:56am
Haha! Oh boy, that last sentence. How I love you, Renae!