Ian at 4

I have no words for how great this kid is. Here’s a little interview we do each year on the kids’ birthdays. I realize how inadequate it is in describing what they are really like, but it’s useful as far as it goes in helping remember some of their favorite things. And for all the rest, I say a prayer of thanks for how blessed I am to know this precious, sweet, thoughtful, smart, kind, funny, quirky soul.
What is your favorite color? Brown
Who is your best friend? Mommy, Rowan, Danny, Isaac
What do you want to be when you grow up? A cowboy
What is your favorite animal? Camel
What is your favorite book? Big Book of Big Bugs
What do you like to do with your family? Go camping
What do you like to do with your friends? Play
What do you like to do outside? Play tag
Where do you like to go? The library
What is your favorite food? Cake
What do you like to drink? Milk
What is your favorite TV show? Team Umizoomi
What song to you like to sing the most? “Twinkle, Twinkle”
What is your favorite toy? Monster truck racing car (Legos)
Tara · December 31, 2013, 11:10pm
Oh my goodness. I am humbled for Rowan that he gets to be a best friend of Ian’s :). Not sure he deserves that sweet status, but I love it. And maybe they are friends because they both love cake and milk. Pretty sure that bonds forever :). Happy birthday Ian!!!